AGSI and Zibaafarin companies could produce variety of products in terms of its customers needs and increase society health level in their manufactures to enter local and foreign market in years.
AGSI import international brands products with global standards. moreover transfer new technologies in iran, during these years.
AGSI and Zibaafarin sales try to improve quality and walfare level of users life by employing expirts and integrated team to present products and services.
AGSI and Zibaafarin companies,try to decrease time of Supply and disturbution products by using its facilities and capabilities in order to create customer satisfaction, which is very important for them.
CRM(customer services)
As long as customer satisfaction is one of AGSI priorities, they apply the esantial mechanism in their programme.
AGSI and Zibaafarin companies try to use the whole marketing principles in their interaction process which is made high value and strong relationship in long term plans.